Wednesday, January 26, 2011

My career, My Soulmate & Pityriasis Rosea

These past few days have been real busy, especially on Monday. I felt like I was running all day. My 15 year old Marc Anthony really helped me laugh and enjoy a day that I thought was going to top my stress level.

Marc Anthony last Thursday had his shirt off, I noticed small dots on his back. I told him to come closer and I examined these little dots. Sad to say, I actually do a body scan of my boys bodies on a regular basis. I want to be aware of every bump, mole, beauty mark & scar. Some people might say that's a little crazy, I say oh well I am! Well back to the story....... as I look at these bumps, I asked him if it itches, where has he been? He tells me that he has been playing "manhunt" in the forest and behind trees. So I then decide to write the bumps off as flee bite (really Jess, flee bites?). That Friday came and again he was without a shirt, OH MY GOD those are not flee bites, is it chicken pox........nahhh, he had chicken pox when he was 2 1/2 and boy was it real bad. What in the hell is it? I called my neighbor Gina, hopefully she might know what it is but when she came over I think she was more confused then I was. I called Felito to get me some benadryl, it might just be an allergic reaction to god knows what. I rubbed alcohol and benadryl all over that boy, every little bump got attention. Saturday comes, i take a look.....ok, it still looks the same, so the benadryl and alcohol is working. Sundays comes and why I didn't look until late evening I have no clue but it spreaded even more.  At this point in time I start stressing. My boys currently have no Insurance. I just got the approval for Healthy Kids and made the payment on Saturday but the policy will not go into effect until 02/01/11 but for right now we will be a self pay and I  do not have the money. Any who, I thought by going to the Health Dept they would help. YEAH RIGHT!! That Monday, I spent 2 HOURS for what I thought was an approval for the health Dept to treat Marc Anthony. NOPE!! He was allowed to be seen by Communicable Disease but could not be seen by a Pediatrician cause I made too much money. By the way, Marc Anthony was red in the face, I told him that he had cooties from kissing a girl, that boy was so embarrassed. I couldn't help but laugh. After I left the Health Dept, I went to 2 different places and they could not see Marc. My level of stress was beyond. I think Marc Anthony knew that I was done for and decided to take it upon himself to cheer me up and make me laugh. When we get to the Hospital, this kid did everything to make me laugh, he is such a comedian. He made me think back to when I was 15. After 2 hour of waiting the Dr. came in and spent the next 5 minutes to tell me that Marc has Pityriasis Rosea. What? What? All I could tell you is read about it and then squirm and say "EWWWWW that's nasty"!!!! Needless to say there is nothing we can do but let it take it course. Marc just says that he has polka dots all over his body.

After the eventful day I had with Marc, I then had to go to Central Florida University and meet with Nadya. Nadya is my first cousin. We had scheduled to take an aptitude test since we are both unsure and unhappy with our careers. Okay little history of Nadya, again she is my first cousin, I AM the oldest though she acts like the oldest. Nadya is my best friend, my sister, my twin and I truly believe she is my soul mate....okay let me give you the definition of soul mate:

Twin Flame Soul mates
This is the most popular type of soul mate. There is usually one twin flame soul mate for each of us. Twin flame soul mates have spent multiple lifetimes together in past lives. There is incredible chemistry and attraction towards each other. They "complete" each other and only few lucky people are able to find their twin flame soul mate. Twin flame soul mates, if separated, usually suffer enormous pain.

Ok, now that we have that out of the way, yes I believe Nadya is my soul mate, for some odd reason she completes me and I complete her. She would tell you that I am a BIG PAIN IN HER ASS and though I have to agree with her I know she can't be without me for a long period of time. I believe we should have been twins. We can think of each other and before we can call she or I will call. We can look at each other and have a conversation without speaking or already know what one is thinking. If I can't sleep neither can she. I can feel her when she is not doing good and she can do the same for me. We can tell each other things that we can never tell anyone else. If we are not together, we sorta feel lost but together we feel complete. It's just the weirdest thing, it just can't be explained. Currently and for almost the last 8 years we work together in the same office doing the same thing. We are together 10 to 12 hours a day and sometimes more. We are both Insurance Agents. Monday thru Friday if you see Nadya most likely you'll see me, vice versa. Saturday and Sunday we spend time with our family.  Ok, now back to the story................

So we go to CF to take a aptitude to test cause we need to do something that we love and be happy cause right now WE SUCK!!! So we take this aptitude test, we are almost the same but so different, phew! She is considered Protective and I am considered Artistic. According to my lovely husband he says that I am a copycat, he took the test a week before I did and he came back as Artistic as well. He believes because he is a Producer and Steven, my youngest is an artist that I just might be a follower. But I think he forgets that I love music and art with all my heart. I dream music. I hear music in my head. Music plays my life. I love to dance. I love Art, all types of Art. Just because I can't sing or play an instrument does not mean that I am not Artistic. But Anyways, it really got me thinking, REALLY thinking on my NEW career. I am currently looking at all my options but I figured that for right now I can start by taking my pre-requisites first because no matter what field I decide this has to be done. So for right now, I need to buckle down and get to movin and shakin.

On another note... my mother still has not called. It's a constant heart break every morning, every day. 20 days and no word.

This song is for Marc and Steven!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

16 Days

This will be my first blog and unfortunately it will be for me a sad one.

I have a mother who is an alcoholic, her name is Iris. For as long as I can remember I knew she had some problems but I never stopped loving her and I have always just forgiven her. She never did raise me and she really has never been there for me or for my boys but I continue my mother/daughter relationship with her.

Today will be 16 Days, yes 16 Days since I have heard my mothers voice. Is she missing I asked, I think so. Is she missing other people ask and the answer will be no. She's binge drinking, this is not her first time. But what makes it her first with me is that she has not called me. I can always call and leave a message and within 20 minutes, no later than an hour she will call me regardless. But no call, that's what kills me, no word! My sister has made a missing person report, but I think the cops already labeled her and just refuse to put that much more effort in finding her, I can't blame them but it does anger me that I am in this position. 16 days. In the pit of my stomach I know something wrong. I just wish it wasn't there. A deep sadness has entered my soul because of her. I keep replaying a song in my head, this song I have always dedicated to her, it's Christina Aguilera-Hurt. Where ever she is and whatever she is doing, I hope she will forever know that I love her.